You Might be seeing when you browse our website in Internet Explorer as - Windows Internet Explorer
Now I ask you one thing.....How if you can Write your name instead of that boring 'Windows Internet Explorer'...Cool right? I have got the trick that how will you do that stuff ...Just proceed as follows:-
Press Windows Key+R i.e Run command....
Registery Editor screen will come up like this:-
Now from left pane, navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main. You will be here:
Now in right pane, find Window Title and double click on it. A dialog comes up:
Change value data to your desired name and click OK. Close it and start Internet Explorer and see the magic: - Windows Internet Explorer
Now I ask you one thing.....How if you can Write your name instead of that boring 'Windows Internet Explorer'...Cool right? I have got the trick that how will you do that stuff ...Just proceed as follows:-
Press Windows Key+R i.e Run command....
Registery Editor screen will come up like this:-
Now from left pane, navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main. You will be here:
Now in right pane, find Window Title and double click on it. A dialog comes up:
Change value data to your desired name and click OK. Close it and start Internet Explorer and see the magic: