- If you want google to search exactly as you type (i.e no change in order), just put your query in double quotes )"").
For eg. if you want to sarch exactly for Raw 2011 pc game.....
you just type like this: "Raw 2011 pc game".
- If you want google to search within a specific site, just add after your query keyword site: followed by the site name.
For eg. if you want to search waytohacking.blogspot.com about term tricks then you have to type like this:- tricks site:waytohacking.blogspot.com
- If you know that your unwanted search term will be included in the search results and you want to remove it.......you are required to seperate that word by operator (-).
For eg. if you want to search about term anti-virus and you want to omit term software you are required to type :- anti-virus -software....
- If you dont know the complete term and know some part of it....you are required to use (*)...
- If you need to search a term in more than one option...
For eg.
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